Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Gobble, Gobble, Thanksgiving is right around the corner! This is a wonderful time for us to gather together to be thankful for everything and remember the pilgrims who wore funny hats and uncomfortable shoes and shared their food with the Indians. To celebrate this great holiday, we will eat as much food as we can, partake of beverages and watch football. Sounds like the perfect day to me!

Here is the plan so far:

Saturday, November 28
Susan and Evan's House
Let's plan to eat around 1:30 to 2:00ish but come whenever you can to join in the "communal cooking" and pre-eating festivities.

Most important food information:

Susan/Evan: Turkey, Smoked Turkey, Ham, Gravy
Libby: Mashed Potatos, Rolls, Peas
Sue: Sweet Potato, Waldorf Salad
Becky: Green Beans or Green Bean Casserole, Green Salad
Donna: Stuffing, Dressing, Pecan Pie
Grandma: Cranberry Sauce, Pumpkin Pie
Goodnights: Oyster Dressing, Jello Salad, Chocolate Pie
Keith: Cheesy Potato Casserole

Nieces/Nephews/Cousins: Appetizers and any favorite recipe/dessert you want to bring!

BYOB but we will have sodas, tea, mixers, coffee and some wine.

Can't wait to see you all! We will blog with any changes.

Susan and Evan

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Congratulations to Sue

Our ownSue Ellen Shaw has just been elected "Library Chair of Excellence", a process that included interviews, references,and resumes of all the librarians in Ft Worth. We all knew that Sue has certainly impacted all of OUR lives when it comes to reading and literature, but this well-deserved acknowledgement clearly shows that she has greatly impacted appreciative librarians, countless students, and the school system of Fort Worth. Thanks for sharing with ALL of us Sue!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Our Blog Goes Public

Just a small bit of exciting news: Pegasus News, a Dallas based news website, just picked up our food blog. They're going to run our food blog on their dining section.

Kind of neat...

You can check out our blog for yourself by visiting:

(Last night's dinner)

Emily & Katie